50 sustain eye injuries during Diwali celebrations in Hyderabad

Hyderabad: At least 50 people have sustained eye injuries during Diwali celebrations in Hyderabad and the outskirts.

Doctors at the government-run Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital said 50 people, mostly teenagers, had been brought to the hospital since last night.

While 45 of them were sent home after treatment, five persons with critical injuries remained in the hospital and they were operated upon.

Injured queued up at the hospital located in Mehdipatnam. Majority of them were aged between 15 and 17 years.

While some sustained injuries while bursting firecrackers, others were hit by the crackers lit close to them.

Hyderabad Police had banned bursting sound emitting firecrackers on public roads and public places except between 8 p.m. to 10. p.m. However, the fireworks in many places continued till the early hours of Monday.

Hyderabad Police Commissioner Sandeep Shandiliya had issued a notification banning bursting of crackers on public roads and public places. According to the notification, the orders will remain in force from November 12 to November 15.

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