Ceremony of Ram temple: 452 homestays in Ayodhya for pilgrims

Ayodhya: In view of the expected rush of pilgrims to Ayodhya for the consecration ceremony of the Ram temple in January 2024, at least 452 homestay centres are getting ready to welcome the devotees from across the country.

The Ayodhya Development Authority (ADA) has received 452 applications seeking approval for starting homestay services at their residence.

The Authority has already approved 312 applications after onsite inspection and approval by the district magistrate of Ayodhya.

Rent of these homestays will vary from Rs 1,500 to Rs 2,500 per day.

Verification by the local intelligence unit (LIU) of the Ayodhya police of the ADA-approved homestay centres has also been carried out.

“The ADA has received 452 applications for starting a homestay facility. Out of this, 312 applications have been approved,” said Rajesh Singh, an official of the Authority.

“The homestay facility will be an ideal opportunity for visitors to enjoy local cuisine and the culture of Awadh by staying with locals,” said Vishal Singh, vice chairman of ADA.

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