Democracy demands that those in power deliver: Irani

Guwahati: Union minister Smriti Irani on Friday asserted that democracy demands that those in power rise above personal ambitions and work for the nation.

She also emphasised the role of the media in functioning as a mirror for the ruling regimes so that they do not deviate from their path.

The Union Minister for Women and Child Development was speaking at an annual award ceremony of a media group here.

“Democracy is dialogue and partnership. Our generation knows that democracy delivers, but the new generation knows that democracy demands,” she said.

“When I say democracy demands, it means to rise beyond own ambitions and see what the nation needs,” Irani said.

She also underlined the role of media in ensuring that those in power deliver their promises.

“Media is the fourth column (of democracy). It has to be the mirror so that we don’t deviate from the path of development,” Irani, who holds the Minority Affairs portfolio as well, added.

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