Taj Hotels’ data breached, around 1.5mn customers at risk

New Delhi: Around 1.5 million people may have had their personal information compromised in a recent data breach at Taj Hotels, owned by Tata, as per reports.

“The perpetrator, known as ‘Dnacookies’, is requesting $5,000 for the complete dataset, encompassing addresses, membership IDs, mobile numbers, and other personally identifiable information (PII),” the reports further stated. “We have been made aware of someone claiming possession of a limited customer data set which is of non-sensitive nature. Safety and security of our customers’ data is of paramount importance to us,” said the spokesperson of Indian Hotels Company Ltd (IHCL), which runs the Taj Group.

“We are investigating this claim and have notified the relevant authorities. We continue to monitor our systems and there is no suggestion of any current or ongoing security issue or impact on business operations,” said the spokesperson.

However, Delhi Police is yet to confirm if they have received any complaint from the Taj Group.

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