26 suffer eye injuries during Diwali celebrations in Bengaluru

Bengaluru: At least 26 people, including children, were injured and hospitalised in Bengaluru after sustaining injuries in the eyes while bursting firecrackers.

Since Sunday night, 22 people were admitted to the Narayana Nethralaya and four were being treated at the Minto hospital.

Among them 12 have suffered critical injuries in the eyes.

The sources in the health department said that arrangements have been made at the government run Victoria Hospital and Minto Hospitals for round the clock facility during the festive season and doctors have been deputed to attend patients who suffer injuries in the eye.

At the Minto hospital, a separate ward with the capacity of 15 beds was set up for treatment of children. Ten beds each have been reserved for women and youth.

The Victoria hospital has also set up a separate ward to treat burn injuries sustained while bursting crackers other than eyes. The doctors have advised people to be cautious while celebrating Diwali and bursting crackers.

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