Chiranjeevi dancing video for Jawan song goes viral on the Internet. It is widely known that Bollywood Badshah, Shah Rukh Khan had given two massive blockbusters in. this year. In January, he scored a blasting hit with Pathaan and recently, with Jawan he scored another big blockbuster. In a recent viral video, we can see Megastar Chiranjeevi dancing to the title song of Jawan.
In just a few days, Megastar Chiranjeevi is set to start shooting for his 156th project. Mega156, the tentative title and reportedly it features a fantasy action drama. Bimbisara fame Vashista directing the film. Charan hosted a grand Diwali bash at his residence recently, where the industry’s top stars were present. During the event, Chiranjeevi danced to the title song SRK’s Jawan. The fans were amused by the dance of Megastar at the age of 68.
On the internet, a video of Megastar Chiranjeevi dancing to King Khan Shah Rukh’s title track ‘Jawan’ has surfaced. The fans are ecstatic as Chiru dances to King Khan’s song. It is widely known that the music for Jawan was scored by sensational music director Anirudh Ravichander.
Chiranjeevi’s grace is unmatched, and this latest video is proof of it. The video featured Megastar, Mega Power Star Ram Charan, and rapper Raja Kumari.