Jigarthanda Double X was on a rampage at the box office on Day 3. The Karthik Subbaraj ‘s action drama has impressed the audiences with its solid emotional and creative content along with the performances of Raghava Lawrence and SJ Suryah. Jigarthanda Double X on a rampage at the box office on Day 3.
The film witnessed a massive jump on Sunday. In Tamil Nadu the opening day started with a low number of 2.4Cr Gross and on day 3 the movie has collected around 8.5Cr Gross. The difference in numbers speaks to how big the movie has performed on yesterday as the word of mouth came good for the film.
For 3 days, Jigarthanda Double X movie’s TN Gross is more than 15Cr+. In Kerala, the movie opened with 18L Gross and on day 3, it collected 50L Gross. The Total Kerala Gross is 1Cr. In Karnataka also, the film had the same trend as Day3 >> Day2 > Day1. The Total Karnataka Gross will be around 1.25Cr.
However, in the Telugu states, the film’s box office was somewhat disappointing as it did not take a jump like the other territories. Overall, in India, the film has collected around 19Cr Gross for 3 days, and Overseas numbers are yet to be come out. Today’s advance bookings are excellent for the film in Tamil Nadu.
Jigarthanda Double X is a follow-up to the 2014 film Jigarthanda, which Karthik Subbaraj directed. Stone Bench Films, Five Star Creations, and Ivenio Origin have worked together to produce the film. Raghava Lawrence, SJ Suryah, Naveen Chandra and Nimisha Sajayan played major roles in the film.
The music for the film has been composed by Santhosh Narayanan, while S Thirunavukkarasu has cranked the camera.